it is what Finnish School has to teach to Brazilian School
Hi! I am a
Brazilian Biology teacher. Today, I am taking part in a Vocational Education
and Training at HAMK University of Applied Sciences, supported by Brazilian
Government (SETEC-MEC and CNPq). I am here to learn about the Educational
System from Finland
and the Finnish way to teach. This is my first letter about my thoughts after
some days inside this new reality. In this text, I would like to share with you
what I have seen and improve my English ability. So, let’s try it!
First of
all, Brazilian Teachers have been teaching their students at the same way
during last decades. They have been applying the teacher centered approach,
mainly in classrooms where students are alone, organized in a row and forbidden
to talk to each other. Pay attention, it does not mean that teachers avoid new
technologies inside the classroom. Actually, it means that they have just
conveyed concepts to students and scoring the students’ marks, most of the time,
with multiple choice tests. Unfortunately, some teachers do believe that they
are preparing students for the real world or marketplace, where standardized
exams happen (ENEM, Vestibulares and others). But, the world is looking for
other Skills and competences...
Teachers, on the other hand, have been developing and changing their approach
since 1970, when new policies were started as a part of the new educational
system. These teachers have been trained to apply the student centered approach,
a pedagogic strategy in which teachers acts as a mentor/coach during the
students’ learning process. Making a long story short, it means that they are
interested in help students to develop their own competences and social
intelligence, more than train students to solve “X” exams.
background which supports the Finnish way to learn can be explained by one
word: Collaboration. Students are stimulated to study and to work by themselves
and together, sharing ideas and responsibility, while teachers trust that
students will do their job. For it works, not only new learning spaces were
developed (I will write more about that later), but also new pedagogical
concepts, such as: self-regulation and individualization. Thus, Finnish School has been responsible to provide
professionals to solve complex problems, and also preparing them to communicate
what they did.
Here, I
allow myself to make a personal highlight. Maybe the new concepts which were
listed above are new just for Brazilians. I pointed out it because I have a
Major Degree as Biology Teacher and, today, it is my job. However, I have never
heard anything like that in any Brazilian
School. Public or private
So, to
summary up, I believe Brazilian Schools should be remodeled to incorporate the collaboration
concept not only in its curriculum, but also in teacher practices. We can not
keep teaching students without sharing knowledge. Future is right now, when
social networks (Facebook) and internet (Google) play important roles in our
society. So, we must teach our students how to think, how to create, how to
make new things. World problems are here and others are coming soon. We must
share ideas to find new solutions.
Antonio dos
Santos Jr
IFRO Porto Velho Calama
VET Teachers for the Future
HAMK University
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