In this month, we went to Seinäjoki, Finland, where we could see the Finnish National Skills Competition/2016. It is an important meeting for Finns, because in this event they can show for everyone the best what they have in their Vocational Education Schools. There, we took part in a panel: “Strengthening the Competence Based Approach in Finland - This is how we did it”, when we could hear different speakers and some points of view about Competence Based Curriculum. They talked about the Finnish experience, history and obstacles, future challenges regarding European Union, and also assessment and competences.
Afterwards, we saw learners (students) running some tasks, a good opportunity to check their competences. They were in simulated scenarios, supported for real Companies, where they had been cooking, controling machines and industrial plants, building houses, planning new bussiness, take care of animals. At the same time, coaches (teachers) were so proud about the Finnish Vocational Education System and happy for sharing their experiences. They also checked how they would improve the Competence Based Learning process.
So, after Senäjoki visit, we can tell you: yes, it is a fact! Vocational Education in Finland works according to Competence Based Curriculum and they can show you that.
At this point, you might be thinking how amazing everything previously described would be. But, let’s ask you something, what is a Competence Based Curriculum for you? We ask you it because we are in Finland trying to solve the same question. Then, right now, we are going to present you some ideas about this theme.
First, “Curriculum” might be understood as a pathway. It means that has a beginning and an end. Each student must walk it in his/her own way, regarding his/her previous knowledge. He/she can do it at the same time, or not, because the obstacles to overcome can be the same or not, regarding his/her special needs and his/her prior experience. But, the goal (competence that should be developed throughout the learning process) must be equal and clear for everyone (teachers and students). Teachers should support students (vocational and educational guidance) and try to help them throughout the learning process. Schools should provide two things: 1) a suitable learning environment, specially for collaborative work and digital tools, regarding the 21st century needs, and 2) a flexible curriculum, which allows students to choose their own pathway looking to the same aim.
Second, according to Finland Education System, “Competence” is a multiscale concept, which has been stated as the ability for knowing, doing and being something. To make a long story short, if you want competent students, you must help them learn applying “Learning by Doing Method”. It is uncommon Brazilian School asking: "What is the most important: know or do? Theory or practice?"
We also believe the most important about Competence is that it should be socially relevant. If so, it probably will make students more motivated to learn and show their outcomes. Here, we can see the point where have to happen the alignment between the curriculum and the market place needs. Beyond to helping to motivate the students to learn it can also assist them to find a job after the school. The employability would be the main target of the any educational system and students with the suitable competences would make it easier.
Third, maybe the critical point, “Assessment” must be a tool to check the alignment between Curriculum and Competence. It means that we can follow if the Student has reached some competence after traveled his/her own curriculum. For it works, assessment should be more formative than somative, allowing teachers and students regulations.
Bear in mind, the students’ competence can be access by many ways. For instance, students might show their competence doing practical activites, making videos, solving test, writing assignments, or anything else that their criativity permits.
To summary up, we can say a Competence Based Curriculum is a pathway that must be walked for a student on his/her time an way, supported by teacher and school, to reach a specific competence after a learning by doing process. Creating new partnerships with companies is an interisting way to build an attractive Curriculum and to keep students motivated. Maybe, it is one possible answer about Finland Vocational educational system and why it has a little drop out rate.
Trust Family: Antônio, Conceição, Leonardo,Rita, Rodrigo Alves, Rodrigo Rossi
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